
 For now I will group small depots and large stations together. It is always special and exciting to find the old depot still standing in a small town.


Marion County

The old and stately  Union Station in Indianapolis. It opened on September 20, 1853 and was the first Union Station in the world.

It was restored in the 1980's and opened in 1987 with various shopping and dinning places. It got old and monotonous as I knew it would and eventually floundered. They should have gone with an original idea of transportation and arts combined that was given to them. Something along the lines of the old Torpedo Factory in Alexandria Virginia. But then.......there wouldn't be much money in that now would there?

Hancock County

The small depot at Shirley, 31 miles northeast of downtown Indianapolis.

Madison County

This depot served as a passenger station between 1887 to 1971 in Anderson.

Henry County

The not so typical old depot at Knightstown, 33 miles east of downtown Indianapolis. Perhaps it is a later day depot for the short excursion train rides....I don't know.


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